One-day coyote was strolling through the forest minding his own business when he came upon bear. Bear was very hungry and grumpy coyote noticed that bear was not his usual 100% today thought he could help him.

Coyote: “Hey bear what yah doing.”

Bear:  “well I’m sick and hungry I haven’t eaten in days no luck left in this old bear.”

Coyote: “well maybe I can help what you trying to catch”

Bear: “well I’ve been chasing this buck for two days and my legs are killing me.”

Coyote: “how fast can you run.”

Bear: “well I can run really fast but only for a short distance and the buck can run for miles.”

Coyote: “maybe your hunting the wrong animals try some thing a little slower.”

Bear: “like what?”

Coyote: “try moose he’s really big and not so fast.”

Bear: “okay thanks I’ll see yah later coyote your sure smart.”

The next day coyote ran into bear and he was in worst shape than the day before.

Bear: “hey coyote I been chasing moose all night he’s about a mile ahead of me I cant keep up his pace.”

Coyote: “well moose he’s got very strong muscles and good endurance I must have forgot.”

Bear: “hey you mangy dog you better not be fooling me I heard from fox that you are known for tricking everyone.”

Coyote: “who me?” “Not on you bear you know we’re tight.” “Any way I was thinking last night and figured with your slow plumpish body maybe you try something really small like rabbits.”

Bear: “Hey I think you’re on to something here there coyote.”

Coyote: “well you know I’m only trying to help a friend.”

Bear: “Gosh coyote you’re sure are a swell bud.

Bear left and went looking for a rabbit he came across one in the meadow so he tried to sneak up on old rabbit but his big old paws were making the brush crackle too loud and rabbit laughed.

Rabbit: “Hey bear you couldn’t catch a cold.” rabbit jumped in his hole.

Bear being very hungry and mad said to himself.

Bear: “well that rabbit thinks he’s so smart I’ll just sit here and wait for him and when comes out I’ll snatch em up and eat him.”

Rabbit being the cautious animal he is went out another hole in his den without bear even noticing. The next morning coyote saw bear looking down the rabbit hole.

Coyote: “he asked what cha doing bear any luck yet.”

Bear: “no the rabbit has been down there all night but I’m betting he’s getting as hungry as me so he’ll pop up soon.”

Coyote: “well I hate to burst your bubble bear but the rabbit he isn’t down there I ate him about an hour ago down by the brier patch.”

Bear: “what how did he get out I never took my eyes off this stupid hole all night.”

Coyote: “take a look at this bear you see this hole over here that’s where he came out; this must be his emergency exit.”

Bear: “I’m so hungry right now I could just eat YOU.

Bear grabbed coyote by the tail and was just about to bite him when coyote kicked dirt in bear’s eyes bear let out a roar and let coyote go.

Coyote: “Hey bear what yah lose your marbles I’m your friend remember.”

Bear: “Sorry coyote But now I cant see very good how am I gonna catch my food now.”

Coyote: “even though you tried to eat me bear I am still going to help you.”

Bear: “Gee coyote you really are nice.”

Coyote thought for a few minutes how he could repay bear for trying to eat him, and told bear.

Coyote: “I got it since you cant see your prey just learn how to use your nose, and since you cant chase your prey try hunting the smallest prey of all BUGS they cant really get away and hey there’s plenty.”

Bear: “Hey coyote that’s the smartest thing I have ever heard now I’ll never go hungry again.”

Little did bear know coyote only said bugs because they look disgusting and probably taste just as gross how would he know he’s practically blind any way.

Coyote: “Stupid bear hah teaches him for messing with me.”

To this day bear eats bugs by the millions and has to eat all day just to get full he still can’t see well but his nose makes up for what he cant see. So next time when some one tries to help you no matter what other people say about the person don’t take it for granted they may really only want to help you but don’t use a bears judgment use your own you will be better off.